Peace of mind for families
We all wish that we could be physically present for our elderly parents like they were for us when we were children, but sadly that is not always possible. Many seniors age away from their worried families. Our goal at Zemplee is not only to improve the experience and safety of our senior clients, but also to provide timely information to those who are remote and care. Zemplee goes a long way towards providing peace of mind and the information to make timely and proper decisions.

Cheaper than full-time care
All too often families decide to implement expensive full-time care before it is truly needed. Until now, full-time care was probably the only alternative. The remote monitoring capabilities of Zemplee can push back the need for full-time care. Zemplee provides remote family members with peace of mind information that supports the decision of when full-time care is truly needed.

Take timely and effective action
The Zemplee dashboard provides all levels of care gives with timely information to support accurate decisions. Doctors looking at the dashboard can identify situations that need immediate or prompt consultation. The staff of senior care facilities can better react to situations with better information. Relatives can enjoy peace of mind when all signs are good, and react properly if attention is needed.

Respiratory rate
Heart rate
Sleep patterns
Isolation monitoring
Movement detection
Medication tracking
Physicians can use Zemplee for remote patient monitoring.
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